Welcome to the Nordic Bookbinding Society!
The registration for the exhibition is now officially closed and we are very happy to announce that there are 65 participants, from all the Nordic countries and even further away.
Warmest welcome to all of you! We are excited and looking forward to seeing everyone’s contributions.
The idea of this exhibition is to celebrate Nordic bookbinding and book arts: to encourage Nordic makers to present their work and to gain wide exposure to the art and craft of hand bound books in the Nordic countries.
Read more about it: Nordic Nature >
To all participants: When you have sent your binding don’t forget to fill in this form REGISTRATION OF BINDING
Read our latest newsletter or look in our archive. Newsletter archive page >
How to become a bookbinder or a book artist >
One of our society’s core issues revolves around education and the cultural heritage within the art of handbound books.
We have collected links to longer educations, shorter courses and ways to become an apprentice, journeyman or master in our Nordic countries. This is an ongoing project.
We encourage you to contact us if you have other or new information about education opportunities! info@nordicbookbindingsociety.com
NBS held it’s first members’ meeting online 16th of September. This is a wonderful way to connect and get inspired by each other. If you have a subject you would like to talk about (or hear about), send an email to info@nordicbookbindingsociety.com. We will host the meeting and help as much as needed!
NEW! A historical overview up to present day, a text about the society of bookbinding in Finland, Espoon Kirjansitojat ry EKS, by Pii Topio, chairman of this Finnish society.
Bookbinding has been a great part of some of Icelands biggest treasure. Read Einar Sveinn Ragnarsson’s article!
We would like this blog to develop into an place for articles that shows the importance of book craft in our Nordic countries; historically and contemporary.
In the blog NBS’ members can share their stories, in any language, about bookbinding, bookarts, letterpress, marbling, bookbinders, books…
If you have a subject you would like to talk about (or hear about), send an email to info@nordicbookbindingsociety.com
Membership & participation
A membership gives you the possibility to engage in the Society’s work for bookbinding and artists’ books. We are a non-profit membership-based society and dependent on support to achieve our goals. Become a member >
This is where the society’s exciting work happens! All members who would like to be actively involved are warmly welcomed to join a committee in the field of their interest: Communication, Education or Exhibitions. Committees >
Earlier Events
2024 We met under the cherry blossoms in Lund, Sweden to network, talk about and look at books. Read about our visit to Lund, April 2024 >
2023 Congress and founding of the Society in July in Copenhagen, Denmark. Read about it in newsletter archive or download pdf: 07_NewsletterJuly2023 >
2022 Bookbinders and book artists were invited to Leksand to talk about the future of handbookbindery, book-craft, artist’s books and the concept of our countries’ previous collaboration; the exhibition Nordic Bookbindings. The meeting proposed a working group that began the work of forming the Nordic Bookbinding Society.
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Subscribe to receive information about bookbinding events, exhibitions, study opportunities, courses and coming meetings.
After subscribing here please check your email inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription!
News & Events
The exhibition will be open to all the Nordic bookbinders and book artists and all the members of the Nordic Bookbinding Society. The name of the exhibition is Nordic nature. Both title and author of the book you choose are optional. One of the participants will be awarded the PA prize (150 €) for outstanding craftsmanship. Participation fee for students is half price.
The exhibition is organised by Nordic Bookbinding Society in cooperation with the National and University Library of Iceland where the exhibition also will open the 23rd of April 2025. The speakers and program are to be confirmed. The exhibition will be displayed throughout the summer 2025.

Help us spread the news about the exhibition by downloading this NORDIC NATURE pdf and print! (2 MB)
- Important Dates:
- Opening of the exhibition: 23 April 2025 at the National and University Library of Iceland
- Exhibition dates: 23 April – September 2025
Newsletter 13 | December 2024

Dear Fellow Bookbinders,
The registration for the Nordic Bookbinding Society’s exhibition Nordic Nature 2025 is now officially closed and we are very happy to announce that there are 65 participants, from all the Nordic countries and even further away. Warmest welcome to all of you! We are excited and looking forward to seeing everyone’s contributions!
Don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list!
Subscribe to our mailing list!
Subscribe to receive information about bookbinding events, exhibitions, study opportunities, courses and coming meetings.
After subscribing here please check your email inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription!

A membership gives you the possibility to engage and take part in our work for bookbinding and artists’ books. We will also strive to encourage non-members to participate in our society’s activities. We are a non-profit membership-based society and dependent on support to achieve our goals.
If you would like to support a specific cause or initiative please let us know.
This year 50 SEK of the membership fee goes directly to the PA prize fund and it is included in these fees.
If you do not want to pay through our website: use following bank-account and then e-mail to info@nordicbookbindingsociety.com. Write your name, email and what you have paid for.
Nordic Bookbinding Society
IBAN: SE12 5000 0000 0538 5115 4916
When paying from Sweden: Bankgiro 5939-1912
If you have any problem with payment on internet please e-mail us so that we can help. THANK YOU!
Welcome to take part in the society’s work!
Committees will work to achieve the society’s goals: disseminating knowledge, bookbinding education and the next Nordic Bookbinding Exhibition. Committees plan their own activities and members can choose the amount of work and time they can and wish to spend. This is where the society’s exciting work happens! All members who would like to be actively involved are warmly welcomed to join a committee in the field of their interest: Communication, Education or Exhibitions.
To join in please contact the contact persons of the committees by email:
Exhibitions: Kristine Novika Svensson: kristine(at)nordicbookbindingsociety.com
Education: Johanna Svenonius: johanna(at)nordicbookbindingsociety.com
Communication: Johanna Svenonius: johanna(at)nordicbookbindingsociety.com
Funding — Biggest thank you for support!
The founding congress and some of our future work has been made possible by support from following organisations:
Nordisk Kulturfond
Grafisk Almenvelgørende Fond, Denmark
Kungl. Patriotiska Sällskapet, Sweden
Espoon Kirjansitojat ry — Esbo Bokbindare rf, Finland
De grafiske fags legatfond, Denmark
Ida Petrons minnesfond, Sweden