Recent newsletter & archive
Newsletter 13 | December 2024
Dear Fellow Bookbinders,
The registration for the Nordic Bookbinding Society exhibition Nordic Nature 2025 is now officially closed and we are very happy to announce that there are 65 participants, from all the Nordic countries and even further away.
Warmest welcome to all of you!
We are excited and looking forward to seeing everyone’s contributions!
The cover photo binding is made by Finnish master bookbinder Kaija Pihlajamäki in collaboration with her carpenter husband Pekka Pihlajamäki. This binding is part of a touring bookbinding exhibition organised by Finnish bookbinding association Espoon kirjansitojat ry.
The exhibition is organized by Nordic Bookbinding Society in collaboration with the Icelandic National and University Library and the Icelandic bookbinders JAM-group.
The exhibition will be held in the National and University Library of Iceland Reykjavik and it will be on display throughout the summer 2025.
The vernissage of the exhibition will be on the 23rd of April, and we are planning to have activities also for the next two days 24th and 25th of April (workshop, show and tell, visits.).
Everyone is welcome, whether you have participated in the exhibition or not and are a member or not. The program with all the details is still in the making, and we will inform you when the plans are finalized. Hopefully we will see many of you in Reykjavik!
The exhibition will also be presented at our website and in our social media accounts in Facebook and Instagram
We are also planning other ways to engage also those who are not traveling to Iceland. We will have some nice members’ meetings talking about the exhibited books, designs and techniques with some of the binders.
This autumn we have had two online meetings for members.
The presentations included:
Vibeke Luther showed us her beautiful work with artist’s books;
Kristine Novika Svensson gave us a presentation of her versatile work as a bookbinder/paper conservator at Värmlandsarkiv;
Pii Topio told us about Finnish bookbinding association Espoon kirjansitojat ry and Tarja Rajakangas presented a traveling exhibition organised by the association.
Restricted by the long distances, we find this is a great way to connect with each other while hearing about the many sides of bookbinding in Nordic countries. We will be happy to continue the meetings in the coming spring.
If you have a subject you would like to talk or hear about, email your suggestions to We will host the meeting and guide and help as much as needed.
If you are not a member yet, you are welcome to join in and take part in the next members’ online meeting!
All Nordic binders and members of NBS! You can send pictures of your works and a short text in English to Lars Hedegaard
We would love to share stories and promote Nordic bookbinding!
Membership which is paid through the website MemberPress system will be valid for one year from the time of purchase. The system should send an automatic email reminder to renew the membership when the next payment is due.
This society and its activities are aimed at all levels of bookbinders and book artists, whether professional, retired, students or amateurs. We also warmly welcome organisations and companies as well as supporting members and all kinds of book enthusiasts. To be a member you don’t have to live in a Nordic country.
You are all very welcome to join and help build this bookish community together!
Newsletter archive
- Nordic exhibition in Iceland 2025
- Members’ online meetings
- Welcome to be a member!
- Instagram, send in you works!
- Nordic exhibition in Iceland 2025
- Welcome to be a member!
- Instagram, send in you works!
- Annual meeting & Artists´ Books 16 September
- Nordic exhibition in Iceland 2025
- Survey on workshops/courses
- Welcome to be a member!
- Meeting in Lund, Sweden
- Welcome to be a member!
- Meeting in Lund, Sweden
- Nordic exhibition in Iceland 2025
- Facebook group for members
- Changes in the board of the society
- Membership 2024
- Bookbinders’ meeting in Lund, Sweden
- Nordic exhibition in Iceland 2025
- Bookbinding news from Sweden
- Social media accounts and blog
- Committees
- Membershipfees
- New publication
- Courses in Finland
- Competitions and bookfair in Leiden
- Report from Copenhagen Congress
- Articles of association
- PA Prize
- Committees
- Membershipfees
- Chairman and the board
- Logo competition winner
- Funding
- Copenhagen Congress Program
- Reminder about logo competition
- Funding from Nordisk Kulturfond
- Reminder about Copenhagen Congress
- Logo competition
- Invite to Copenhagen Congress
- Copenhagen Congress, change of dates, program sketch
- Inquiry for an internship
- Meeting in Oslo, funded by Nordisk Kulturfond
- Copenhagen Congress
- Bookbinders meeting at Royal Library in Copenhagen
- Short courses spring and summer 2023
- Invite to a competition by Biennales Mondiales de la Reliure d’art
- Establishment of the society
- New website under development
- Board will meet in Oslo November 2022
- Plans for a congress in Copenhagen summer 2023