Articles of the Association
The Articles of the Association 14th of June 2023 Copenhagen Congress
The name of the association is Nordic Bookbinding Society (NBS) and English is the official language of the NBS.
The aim for the NBS is to strengthen the collaboration between bookbinders and book artists in Nordic countries. The society will work to enhance, preserve, and renew the craft, education, and practice in contemporary culture to achieve a high professional standard. The association shall achieve this goal by:
1. Disseminating knowledge about educational opportunities within the bookbinding profession in the Nordic countries.
2. Exhibiting bookbindings and artist books in the Nordic countries.
3. Arranging workshops, seminars, lectures and conferences on bookbinding and artist books, which are also open to non-members.
4. Having an active website and send out newsletters about the NBS’s work.
5. Arranging a Joint Nordic congress every three years or by decision of the council.
NBS consists of all members of these groups:
1. Trained bookbinders
2. Book artist
3. Students
4. Amateur bookbinders
5. Associate members
6. Member organizations
Membership of the association is open to:
1. Individuals who are interested in promoting the work of NBS and who have paid any annual membership fee set by the Joint Nordic Congress.
2. Any association that is interested in promoting the NBS’s work and has paid any annual membership fee set by the Joint Nordic Congress. (Such an association is called a ”member organization”).
3. Every member or member association has one vote.
NBS members can organize themselves in different networks:
1. Within own country.
2. Across nations.
3. For the entire NBS.
The composition of the network and the rules of procedure are determined by the network. The networks must communicate their work to the board and to the members of the NBS through the NBS’s newsletters. Each network is responsible for ensuring that this work does not conflict with the NBS’s articles of association.
The NBS’s Board consists of the chairman and up to three members from each Nordic country. A treasurer is appointed from among the members of the board. The board convenes the members to the Joint Nordic Congress every third year. The agenda for the council meetings and the Joint Nordic Congress is set out in the appendix to the articles of association.
The board meets at least once a year. The meetings can be both physical, but in some cases online meetings. The board may also meet with one month’s notice if at least three members of the board, all of whom belong to different countries, so request or by decision of the chairman of the board alone. The agenda and proposals to be decided must be received by the individual members no later than fourteen days before the meeting.
The board has a quorum if at least three countries are represented. Each country has one vote, and the chairman of the board has one vote. Decisions are made by simple majority. In the event of an equal number of votes, the vote of the chairman of the board shall be decisive.
The chairman of the board is elected by the Joint Nordic Congress for a term of three years and may be re-elected for one further term. The chairman of the board shall, on behalf of the board, deal with matters between its meetings. The board shall appoint an alternate to the chairman. The deputy takes over with the rights of the chairman of the board when chairman is absent.
At board meetings, where matters are dealt with, and where the chairman of the board is unambiguous, that means if the person in question can reasonably be presumed to be biased in their assessment of the case, another chairman of the meeting is appointed, who in the event of any a vote shall be conferred on the powers of the chairman.
At the meetings of the board, a secretary shall be appointed who is responsible for keeping minutes. The chairman of the board is responsible for implementing decisions.
Expenses relating to the board’s activities shall be held by the NBS.
After the end of the term of office, the chairman of the board shall draw up a report on the work of the Board, which shall be sent together with the convening of the Joint Nordic Congress.
§ 13
Proposals to amend the articles of association of the NBS must be submitted to the Joint Nordic Congress no later than one month before this is held. Decisions to amend the statutes are decided by congress by a simple majority of the members present and the amendments adopted are binding on the countries.
§ 14
At each congress, the NBS chooses the PA (Per-Anders Hübner) prize for a bookbinder or book artist who works to promote the NBS’s goals. The members may nominate persons to the board. It is the board that sovereignly selects the award recipient. Furthermore, the prize is also awarded to a bookbinder or book artist who has submitted a bookbinding to the Nordic Bookbinding Exhibition. It is the committee for exhibitions that sovereignly selects the award recipient. The two prizes each include €150.
§ 15
The NBS can only dissolve on proposals from the council. The decision is made at the Joint Nordic Congress. In each country, there must be a majority to dissolve the NBS before a dissolution can take place. If someone were to suggest this, a suggestion of what to do with any excess money should be included.
Appendix to the articles of association.
A) Agenda for the Joint Nordic Congress
B) Agenda for board meetings
C) Guidelines for the chairman of the board and the board
Agenda for the Joint Nordic Congress:
1. Welcome by the chairman of the board.
2. Election of conductor(s) and secretary.
3. Report from the chairman of the board.
4. Report from the various committees.
5. Proposals for adoption.
6. Report from the treasurer.
7. Accounts for the previous period.
8. Budget for the coming period.
9. Elections:
1) Election of chairman for the board
2) Election of board members in each country
3) Election of two accountants and a deputy accountant.
10. Other topics.
Agenda for council meetings:
1. Welcome by the chairman of the board.
2. News from the chairman.
3. News from the treasurer.
4. What happens in the committees:
1) Education and courses.
2) Website, newsletters, and social media.
3) Joint Nordic exhibitions.
5. Other topics.
Guidelines for the chairman of the board and for the board:
1. The chairman of the board shall convene the board in accordance with the statutes.
The agenda follows the guidelines in the articles of association. Appendices and proposals from the members to the agenda must be received by the chairman of the board no later than one month before the meeting. Appendices must be sent to the board no later than three weeks before the meeting.
2. Summary from the board meetings must reach the meeting participants no later than two weeks after the meeting.
3. The chairman of the board attends all congresses.
4. The board prepares an annual report each year, including financial statements. This must be sent out no later than the 1st of February the following year.
5. NBS’s finances must be presented every year, no later than the 1st of February the following year and the accounts must be approved by an accountant. The accounts must be kept in one of the Scandinavian languages (Swedish/Danish/Norwegian) and English.
6. NBS’s account must not be personal.
7. The board is responsible to do the best so that members receive the newsletters.