Meeting in Lund 12–14 April!

It is not longer possible to sign up for this event but the exhibition Nobelbokband at Einar Hansens Library is open to public on Friday so come by and say Hej!

(Utställningen är öppen 12/4-4/5 2024. Öppettider fredagar 15–18, lördagar 12–16 samt bokade visningar.) Have a look at nobelbokband at Instagram.

If you travel through Malmö:
13–14.00 Bonusvisit to Malmö nya bokbinderi (send a text to Eva +46705835666 latest on 9/4 if you want to stop by on your way to Lund).

14.45 WELCOME. We gather at Stortorget outside Einar Hansens library.
15.00 Vernissage Nobelbokband – Annie Ernaux. Bookbinders interpret Nobel prize winners. Arranged by Bokbindare-Gesällskapet. Einar Hansens library.

Walk to Kulturen, gathering 17.45.
18–20.30 Dinner together with Bokbindarmästareföreningen at Kulturen. Included.

11–12.00 Visit to the bindery at Lunds University, Helgonavägen 2. We will gather in front of the University at the main entrance at 10.50.

12–13.00 LUNCH Lebanese Buffet at Mezaya. Included.

13.00 Visit to Kulturen. Worth seeing here among several interesting exhibitions is the exhibition Bokkultur – history of books inside Berlingska huset. Entrance fee included.

Walk to Folkets hus ca 5 min.
ca 14.30 Meeting at Folkets hus, Killiansgatan 13, Medeltidssalen.
Brainstorming for the society’s future activities and presentation of what will happen in the Society the coming year.
Bring a project/book you would like to show or/and talk about
There will be fika; coffee or tea, small sandwich and cinnamon bun. Fresh fruit will also be available. Included.

DINNER Not included but we’ll find a nice restaurant that has room for all of us.

10.00–12.00 Visit to S:t Annegatan’s Bookbinding & Conservation.

LUNCH We’ll find a nice place that has room for all of us who linger. Not included.After you have made your payment you’ll receive an e-mail with a link to a registration form which include choices of food etc. Please fill in before 22 Mars so that we n organize a great meeting.

The founding congress and some of our future work has been made possible by support from following organisations:

Nordisk Kulturfond
Grafisk Almenvelgørende Fond, Denmark
Kungl. Patriotiska Sällskapet, Sweden
Espoon Kirjansitojat ry — Esbo Bokbindare rf, Finland
De grafiske fags legatfond, Denmark
Ida Petrons minnesfond, Sweden

Berlingska hustet Kulturen i Lund
Berlingska huset, Kulturen
Old Manuscript Kulturen Lund
Glasfönster Kulturen i Lund
Letterpress Kulturen Lund